JewelBox Tarot 101 – Shuffling its Way More!
JewelBox™ Tarot 101 – Shuffling its Way More!
By J.E.Wells. Artist, Writer and avid Tarot enthusiast. Artist/Author of The JewelBox™ Tarot Series
First step. Go through your deck and turn all the Cards so they are facing Right Side Up. We do not start shuffling until all the Cards are in the Upright position. If any cards become Reversed during the shuffling process, then they do. However, we always start with the Deck Upright.
After you have formulated your question and written it in your Tarot Journal. Sit quietly and breath evenly and deeply to still your mind. Visualize the question in your mind’s eye. See it and feel it. Ideally this process should feel like you are in a daydream. Immerse yourself in the question and begin shuffling. Take a few very deep breaths and continue to shuffle the Cards until you feel your question becoming imbued within the deck.
When you are ready spread out the cards face down. Take a few more deep breaths and verbally ask the Cards your question. Continue to visualize your question as you select your cards using your non-dominant hand. Your dominant hand is for giving out energy, your non-dominant hand is for receiving energy.
If you are just starting out learning the Tarot, select only 1 card for your answer. Write your impressions down in your Tarot Journal, then read the Card interpretation JewelBox Tarot™ – The Story of Flow. Note down points that seem appropriate to your question. Finally, sit with this for a moment and then record your conclusions in your Tarot Journal.
Excerpt from JewelBox™ Tarot III– Card Night! (forthcoming) A companion Workbook for JewelBox™ Tarot – The Story of Flow and JewelBox™ Tarot – The Natures of Time. ©JewelBox Art 2019