JewelBox Tarot™ 101 – The Art of Asking a Question?
JewelBox Tarot™ 101 – The Art of Asking a Question?
By J.E.Wells. Artist, Writer and avid Tarot enthusiast. Artist/Author of The JewelBox Tarot Series
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It’s important to hold a clear question or statement in your mind when you’d like the cards to answer clearly. It’s all about context really. The Cards all have a basic energy which can be interpreted in a myriad of different ways, depending on the situation and circumstances. Context offers the ability to see the most appropriate form of a given Card’s expression.
I actually prefer to ask the Cards to “show me __ situation” rather than asking a question that has a yes/no answer like the one above. The answer will become clear when you see the Cards have shown their answer as a scenario/answer to your question.
That said there are Cards in the deck that clearly indicate no and some that clearly indicate yes but there are also lots that indicate maybe. Let’s go through them and see…
Go through your deck and ask each card a question that requires a definite yes/no answer. See what you come up with. Write down your impressions in your Tarot Journal.
Excerpt from JewelBox™ Tarot III – Card Night! (forthcoming) A companion Workbook for JewelBox™ Tarot – The Story of Flow and JewelBox™ Tarot – The Natures of Time.
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